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Project M.e.d.i.a.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Project M.E.D.I.A (Media Effects on Development from Infancy to Adulthood) is a longitudinal study examining the effects of media (phone usage, social media, TV, books, etc.) on childhood & adolescent development. Project M.E.D.I.A. is the first major research project of its kind. We recruited over 500 families in the Denver, CO area for our study in 2017 (when the children were 0-1 years old), and this year we will be following up with them and collecting more exciting data. Project M.E.D.I.A plans to follow the same children for the next 15-20 years. We collect data by going into the participant's homes and completing a series of tasks and assessments with the children and their parents.  This data, combined with survey responses, allows us to learn different ways that the children’s development is influenced by media.

  • In 2017, we recruited over 500 families in the Denver area who had an infant 0-1 year old.  We have followed these same families each year since both with surveys and in-person assessments.  We have done our best to have a diverse sample that reflects different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.  In an effort to have a more racially diverse sample, we are currently recruiting Black and Hispanic/Latinx families that have children born between 2016 and 2018.

  • Project M.E.D.I.A. is a collaborative project in the Brigham Young University School of Family Life.  At this time, Drs. Sarah Coyne, Hailey Holmgren, Chris Porter, Adam Rogers, Peter Reschke, Ashley Fraser, Andrea Busby, Laura Walker, and Laura Stockdale are principal investigators on the Project.  You can learn more about them by checking out our “Meet the Team” page!

  • We are currently recruiting new families to the study in an effort to have a more diverse sample. We are specifically looking for Black and Hispanic/Latinx with children born between 2016 and 2018. If you are interested in being a part of the study fill out [this survey] and we will reach out to you. Participants are compensated for their time each summer.

  • Compensation for the study is typically sent via an Amazon E-Gift Card.  We send this to the email address that we have on file for you. Please search in your email, including your spam folder for this E-Gift Card.  If you are unable to find it, send us an email at and we will be happy to help!

  • We try to reach out to all of our participants by the middle of May every year.  If it is later in the summer and you still haven’t heard from us, please reach out to us at

  • Your personal information is used only to contact you for purposes related to the study.  All personal information is stored in secure, password protected servers and only those who have completed the proper privacy training are authorized to access it.  We will never sell your data or share it with any third parties.  Your personal information will never be included in Project M.E.D.I.A. publications.

  • We understand the ongoing risks and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a precaution, all of our research assistants have been vaccinated and are required to quarantine if they are exposed to the virus.  Our research assistants will also take any precautions that you would like while in your home, including wearing masks, social distancing, or completing activities outdoors.